Any car will attract dust and dirt, whether parked in a garage or on the road. Dirt includes mud, bird droppings, rain marks, bugs and even tree sap. What is worse is the variety of industrial pollutants which cannot even be seen but are likely to affect a vehicle’s paint.

Most modern cars have a protective clear lacquer which helps to safeguard color and shine, but even this coating can become damaged over time.
Whether you have a customer who drives a brand new Porsche or a classic, following these tips will ensure the luxury car stays looking its best for as long as possible, boosting customer satisfaction and your bottom line.


If you prep, wash or finish a Porsche outside of your car care facility, find a shady spot on-site, if possible, to perform the necessary tasks at hand. Performing a service in the sun, may result in rain spots on a vehicle’s surface, because the water could dry before you have time to polish it off.
Even though advanced technology and products can make the washing process a lot easier, it is still important to avoid direct sunlight (especially in the summer) when washing a Porsche — which will help keep the vehicle in good condition for ages.


If there are specific dirt spots on the vehicle, then you should apply the shampoo directly on these areas; let the chemical soak in while you move on to clean the rest of the car.
Tar can be a particular issue; it is often displaced by the road, especially if it is hot. It is advisable to use a product specific for tar removal and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. This will help ensure tar spots are removed before you finish washing the car.

Wheels and undercarriage

Before you start washing the car, hose down its wheels to remove any excess grime, salt and road dirt.
Starting with the wheels may surprise some because they are almost always the dirtiest part. For this reason, cleaning them first will prevent the dirt from spreading to other parts of the car. For instance, if you do not do this step first then it is likely to splash into the body of the car after it’s already been cleaned.
You should also hose down the inside of the wheel arches and even the car’s undercarriage.


Once you have cleaned the wheels you can move onto the body of the car. You should start with the roof and work your way down and around the vehicle.
Use either a lamb mitt or microfiber cloth when applying the soapy water to the vehicle. This will ensure there are no contaminants which can scratch the car’s paint job. Next, rinse away any chemicals used. It is important to ensure all the soap suds are removed from the car, but, you must do this with a low-pressure hose. When it comes to servicing a Porsche, I recommend never using high pressure.


This is actually the most dangerous part of washing your customer’s pride and joy; this is the stage which carries the highest risk of scratching his or her vehicle.
You can hand dry the car or use a blower/dryer, or both. Using a blower/dryer is preferable when it comes to drying a Porches because there is no risk of scratching its surface, and high-quality equipment should effectively dry every little nook and cranny on the vehicle.


There are a variety of different waxing products on the market. Some products recommend waxing a vehicle every few days, while others recommend every few months.
You should always follow the guidelines provided by the manufacturer because exact application will vary by product. If you do not, you could risk damaging the car’s paint.
Wax can be applied with a microfiber cloth, using small, circular motions. The clean side of your cloth can be used to remove any residue, and you should only complete one section of the car at a time.
Last but not least, when washing and waxing a Porsche, polishing is an optional step. Make sure the customer fully understand what the results of polishing are to avoid any misunderstandings. Polish does very little to protect the car; however, it does replace the essential oils in the paint and can help keep a car looking as shiny and new as when your customer first purchased the vehicle.

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