How to make a girl or boy baby

Are you desperate for a boy or a girl baby? Or don’t really care either way? For all sorts of reasons couples may have a preference for one gender and try to do what they can to sway the odds in their preferred direction.

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Just remember, the information here is just a guide, a bit of fun. Every time a baby is conceived, the odds of it being a boy or a girl are around 50:50. But if we’re going to be absolutely, statistically precise, boys are more commonly conceived than girls.

How is a boy or girl made?

Each parent contributes 23 chromosomes to the embryo - a total of 46 or 23 pairs make every new little human. The sex of the baby is allocated to one of these pairs, in chromosomes numbered 45 and 46, “the sex chromosomes”.
Right from the moment of conception the baby’s gender is formed.
Many of the theories around gender selection rest on the fact that the male, or Y sperm, swim more slowly than the X, or girl sperm. Girl sperm tend to be a bit more resilient and can hang around in the woman’s reproductive tract for longer.
For any couple, their chances of having a baby of either gender are vastly increased by having lots of sex during the woman’s most fertile period. For women who have an (average) 28-day cycle, ovulation generally happens around day 14 from the first day of her last normal menstrual period.

Don’t blame me!

It is always the man who determines the sex of the baby. Women carry a pair of X chromosomes whereas men carry an X and Y.
And don’t take any notice of what you may hear about one of the testicles only producing X (girl) sperm and the other only producing Y (boy) sperm. That’s complete nonsense.
Some men just seem to make better quality X or Y sperm. This may be why there are families who have all girls or all boys.

But first things first

Speak with your doctor about your own individual circumstances. The information provided by Kidspot is general and may not apply to your particular situation.
Dietary changes and supplements may not be right for every woman, so be guided by your own healthcare professional who knows you, your history and what you’re trying to achieve.

Tips to help conceive a boy

Ditch the tight undies - ask your partner to buy some boxers or go shopping for him. Cooler testicles help to favour boy sperm.
A cup of tea or coffee just before sex may help to motivate boy sperm to move a little faster.
Don’t hold back on having an orgasm. This helps to propel sperm up through the cervix and into the uterus.
Vaginal PH is normally acidic; this can be hostile to sperm. Female orgasm may help to boost alkalinity levels which in turn, favour Y sperm.
Consider taking Evening Primrose Oil supplements. These may help produce higher quality cervical mucous.
Potassium is another mineral supplement which is thought to increase the odds of conceiving a boy.
Aim to have sex just when you are about to ovulate or have already. Boy or Y sperm don’t live for as long as their sisters, the Y variety. So strike while the iron is hot.
Have a little more salt in your diet. But just be mindful that a lot of salt isn’t necessarily good for your general health.
Don’t miss breakfast. Reach for a healthy cereal. This may also boost your chances of having a boy.
Aim for high-kilojoule foods like sweets, meat and cakes. But again, watch your waistline and don’t go overboard.
Vitamins C, B12 and E in your foods may also help. So citrus fruits, meat, eggs, fish and wholegrains cereals need to feature in your pantry and fridge.
Eat bananas - the potassium in them is supposed to help create those little boys.
Have lots of sex, preferably in the morning and lie on your right side.
Have sex on odd rather than even days of the month.

Tips to help conceive a girl

It seems that the timing of sex is all important for couples who want to conceive a girl. Exercising some control will be a mutual decision so speak with your partner about what’s realistic and what you’re hoping to achieve. It all comes down to open communication.
Sex before ovulation may help. X sperm tend to be longer lasting.
They are also able to survive for longer in what is known as “hostile” vaginal conditions. X sperm can also survive in the vagina for up to four days without dying.
Avoid deep penetration when having sex. Try the missionary position and avoid the 'all fours' style.
Girl sperm favour a more acidic environment. So eat foods with a higher concentration of vinegar, fruit juices and pickles.
Eat more green leafy vegetables. Some researchers say mothers who want to conceive a girl should not eat most fruits and vegetables, but this isn’t a healthy way to eat. Folic acid is very important in the first trimester.
Eat wholegrain breads, cereal and rice, meat, sweets, lollies, desserts, biscuits and cakes.
Avoid eating nuts, specifically almonds.
Aim to eat foods which are high and rich in magnesium, such as fish, fruit and grains.
Reach for corn and blueberries. Colour in your diet may help.
If you really have your heart set on a boy or a girl then you may qualify for gender selection through a fertility clinic.
Currently in Australia, just having a preference for one gender more than the other is not sufficient reason to do this. Unless you have a high risk of conceiving a baby likely to carry a sex linked chromosomal abnormality, it is unlikely you will meet the criteria. Speak with a qualified geneticist if you are in any doubt.

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